Kirk D. Rodriguez

Colleges & Universities Category

Kirk’s journey began at Texas Tech University, where he worked in dining services during his undergraduate years. He currently serves as the Senior Director of Hospitality Services and Student Union & Activities, where he has demonstrated exceptional leadership as the campus dining program feeds a diverse population of over 44,000 students in 20-plus physical locations with over 50 plus dining options across campus. Hospitality Services continually provides educational support, through food, to over 8,000 on-campus residents, a growing number of commuter students, and Faculty/Staff Dining Plan holders.

Under Kirk's guidance, Texas Tech Hospitality Services offers award-winning dining options while prioritizing student well-being and success. With a focus on innovation and community, Kirk continues to leave a lasting impact on both the industry and the lives of those he serves and leads.

In Kirk’s Own Words

How did you get your start in the foodservice industry?

His journey in food service began as a student at Texas Tech University, some 35 years ago where he worked as a student assistant in the university's dining services program, in his first year as a freshman and throughout his undergraduate years. He developed a deep appreciation for the role of food in bringing people together, creating community, and building connectivity. Over the years, Kirk has become an undeniable force in higher education, leading Texas Tech University's dining program, which consists of multiple concepts and national brands, a focus on sustainability, health, and wellness, and various innovative and quality programs and initiatives. Under his leadership, the program has been recognized with multiple awards including the 2021 Best In Show winner and a 2022 College Power Player by Food Management magazine, just a few of the many accolades reflecting his impact and dedication to collegiate dining.

What do you enjoy most about your career in foodservice?

The people and the lives we impact—daily. He often tells people that no day in food service is ever the same and there is always an opportunity to positively impact those around us.

Tell us about a proud moment you’ve had along the way.

There are many proud moments, but one that surfaces to the top is the partnership we maintain with the Burkhart Center for Autism Education & Research. Hospitality Services worked with the Burkhart Center to create a unique partnership called the Burkhart Café, a place that features a dynamic learning lab environment for students with autism. The operation provides these students an opportunity to gain and build real-work skills, increasing their self-confidence that ultimately prepares them to find meaningful employment outside of the Burkhart Café.

How would your team describe you as a leader?

Kirk has always demonstrated a mentorship approach as a leader, and someone who cares deeply for those he leads and serves. His exemplary guidance has been a cornerstone of our commitment to this department and collegiate dining, and the lessons gained from Kirk's leadership, inspire us to invest in our teams and others around us, enabling all of us to reach our fullest potential.

What advice do you have for someone new to the foodservice industry?

Embrace teamwork, learn from the experiences, and best practices of those around you.     

What does being an IFMA Silver Plate recipient mean to you?

This award validates hard work, commitment, and dedication to excellence in (collegiate) Food Service.

What is your favorite meal?

A wood fired Margherita pizza with a glass (bottle) of VJB Estate Sangiovese.

Kirk Rodriguez was nominated by Ecolab, Tyson, and US Foods