Meet Scott Davis, CEO of FLIK Hospitality. Scott received the 2021 Silver Plate Award in the Business & Industry/Foodservice Management category, and was nominated by PepsiCo and Singer M. Tucker.


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Interview: What Drives the Nation's Top Foodservice Operators?

We asked the 2021 Silver Plate Class to share some perspectives and words of wisdom with the industry. Find out what they have to say about their passion for foodservice, career accomplishments and what it means to be part of a legendary group of operators.


How did you get your start in the foodservice industry?

I started as a dishwasher in a busy kitchen in my early teens. The hustle and bustle environment and the comradery of the kitchen appealed to me. The loved the people I worked with and it made me truly fall in love with the hospitality industry.

What do you enjoy most about your career in foodservice?

The people you work with and meet in the industry are the most enthusiastic, energetic, and inspirational people you’ll ever meet. I love being in the business and talking with members of our community. Their high-flying spirits and enthusiasm for life is simply infectious!

Tell us about your biggest career accomplishment.

When I look back on my career, I think the thing I’m most proud of is continuing to build upon the legacy of our founders, Julie and Rudi Flik, and how it all began 50 years ago. Having the unique opportunity to lead and grow this organization, keeping their values at our core, and scaling it to the size we are today is such an accomplishment.

How have you kept yourself and your team motivated this past year?

While so much of 2020 was based on being socially distant, staying connected to those who you’ve built lasting relationships has been critical in keeping motivated. Those relationships – both personal and professional – needed to be cared for especially throughout the pandemic and we saw various new technologies emerge as a way to keep in touch and change the way we work. I’ve loved the new two-way dialog our team has been able to leverage to keep abreast of what is going on in the business and in the world. In many ways, this past year and the challenges we faced, made us stronger than ever.         

What advice do you have for someone new to the foodservice industry?

Love what you do and choose a mentor that will help guide you and participate in in your growth.  

What does being an IFMA Silver Plate recipient mean to you?

I am thrilled to be receiving the IFMA Silver Plate Award. It would be impossible to accept this honor without recognizing the hard work of all the men and women at FLIK Hospitality and all the extraordinary things they do every day.

What is your favorite meal?

Oh! This is hard! I would have to say it’s a true toss-up between Frank Pepe’s Clam & Bacon Pizza in New Haven, CT and the Brisket at Franklin’s Barbecue in Austin, TX.


Live Conversation

Watch IFMA's live conversation with Scott Davis, CEO of FLIK Hospitality. Hear Scott's story and learn what drives one of the nation’s top foodservice operators.

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