With the understanding that the industry needs all stakeholders together to make change and move forward, We are committed to creating and fostering a more inclusive membership that brings the voices of the entire industry together.


Beginning in 2024, we moved from two membership categories to four. Our updated membership strategy is designed to bring the entire industry together to address common challenges and promote innovation and business success.


Four Types of Members

Food/Beverage, Equipment,

Packaging, Food Safety/ Cleaning,




Commercial Restaurants, Non-Commercial,

Convenience Store Foodservice, Grocery Foodservice,

Foodservice Management Companies



Broadline and Specialty Distributors,

Cash & Carry, Redistributor



Commerce Facilitation, Transaction Facilitation, Financial Services, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)




Our membership is tiered within categories. The tiers allow for flexibility and customization, allowing members to select the benefit package that best suits their organization's needs.

Operators will be support-based (member engagement with IFMA sets tier level). We are creating the tiers to allow for flexibility and customization – members (not including operators) may choose to move up a tier through additional dues payment and access more benefits.



For more on our long-range plan, see the "Level Up 2027: A New Path Forward for IFMA" report for details. 


See the Level Up2027 Plan Now >>



Intested in joining the food-away-from-home evolution? Contact our membership team at membership@ifmaworld.com.